A Novel Approach: About, Meetings, and How to Join

There are two writing groups in Lockerbie: Lockerbie Writers and A Novel Approach.

A Novel Approach is a friendly, hard-working and supportive group of local writers. All members are working towards a novel or an anthology of short stories. The group currently consists of approximately 10 members who are working on a variety of genres including historical, contemporary, women’s fiction, young adult, science fiction, crime and fantasy.

Writers are welcome at any stage of the process – from first draft through to publication and beyond.


A Novel Approach meets fortnightly on Wednesdays from 7.30pm in the Somerton House Hotel, Lockerbie.

The group is open to all writers aged 18+ who are working on a novel or a piece of novel-length. All genres are welcome.

Members should be passionate writers who will regularly attend meetings, join in with writing-related discussions, and ask/answer questions about their own work-in-progress. There is no requirement to share extracts of your writing with the group however, members are welcome to share short extracts if they have a specific question or passage which they feel would benefit from in-depth discussion.

Membership is free. Members pay for their own refreshments at meetings and any events.

Individuals who are interested in joining A Novel Approach should, in the first instance, get in touch either by sending a private message to the Lockerbie Writers’ Facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/lockerbiewriters) or by emailing kerrie_mckinnel@hotmail.com. A Novel Approach has its own private Facebook group but this is for members only, to facilitate potentially-confidential discussions about works-in-progress.

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